Do you need a virtual assistant?
Have you ever looked at the clock and longed to be able to rewind it? Have you wished for a little more time to finish your current project? A virtual assistant can give you back hours or maybe even days. No, we can’t stop time, but we can be a second set of hands or a collaboration partner for you. A virtual assistant is like a second brain.
Some Examples
- If you need to meet with a client and do your bookkeeping at the same time, stop worrying and instead add a virtual assistant to your team. You’ll have more time to focus on your clients and your bookkeeping will take care of itself.
- You are driving and you have a sudden brainstorm that you really need to write down! Relax. Record it while you drive and then email the recording to your virtual assistant. They will transcribe it for you into a formatted, edited document, creating more time for you.
- Is your email getting away from you? If you’re drowning in your inbox, maybe let your virtual assistant set up folders with rules and filters that will help you get organized and stay that way…automatically.
- Your phone is ringing off the hook with clients needing appointments. Your virtual assistant will create a calendar that enables your clients to go online and schedule appointments.
- Need to schedule a corporate event for travel, car, hotel, dinner, entertainment? Need an itinerary? How about a presentation? Your virtual assistant can handle all of that while you continue to meet with your clients and stay productive.
- Anniversary–tomorrow?!? Niece’s birthday–yesterday?!? A virtual assistant can set up auto-reminders on your calendar for all of these important events and as a result you won’t forget ever again.
- Looking for an online collaboration space to organize your team? Your virtual assistant will evaluate your company’s structure and find the best place for you and your team to work.
Those are just a few of the many ways that a virtual assistant can benefit your business as well as help you to stay productive and on schedule.